We women can become powerful actors against the climate change.
We are those who make decisions as producers of agricultural products.
We are often in charge of the househoulds – and thus we are everyday decision makers.
[Tämä on täyttä potaskaa. Suurin osa tunkeutujista tulee muslimimaista, joissa mies on perheenpää.]
Now we must also take our role as political decisionmakers.
[Sitähän sopii kokeilla, jos islamilainen sharia sen sallii.]
We, women gathered here and elsewhere must show the world that we are serious about climate change. We must set ourselves on a path that will lead us to a comprehensive and global framework for the climate.
You, women in developed countries make important choices every day. We cannot overlook the important fact that in Africa about 80 per cent of the agriculture and food production for home consumption is carried out by women. Women take care also of water management.
[Tässä Thors on oikeassa kuvatessaan afrikkalaista kulttuuria, jossa neekerimiehillä on ”olennaisempaakin” tekemistä kuin maanviljely: http://zulublogi.blogspot.com/2009/02/suomalaista-kehitysapua.html]
You play a key role in moving towards renewable sources of household energy as well as in management of tree nurseries and planting the trees. Nurse the threes as you nurse your children.
As has been seen in many conflicts, as is shown be the examples of Presidents Johnson Sirleaf and Halonen, women are excellent leaders, and the leaders for change of policies.
[”Loistavia johtajia”? Heh, heh!]
Jos Halosen, Arajärven ja Thorsin Länsi-Afrikan kiertomatka maksaa 342 000 € veronmaksajille, Thorsin osuus siitä on kolmannes eli 114 000 €, joka on iso summa yhdestä tyhjänpäiväisestä puheesta.
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